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Friday 13 June 2014

Task 2

The 'Love through the Ages' anthology looks at poetry through the medieval, renaissance, romantic, Victorian, modernist and post-modern eras.

You need to research then define each of these 6 terms.

Use this blog to record your findings and recommend some poems that fit into each section, if you can.


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  3. The Medieval Era was roughly between 1066-1485 and is also known as ‘The Middle English Period’. The content of poem written throughout this period included religious devotion, morals and religion. The poems were mainly written in the styles of moral tale and morality plays. Due to the style and content of the poems at this time, the illiterate population was able to hear and see literature in a new way. In 1154 Henry III was crowned king and brought in a judicial system, royal courts, juries and he introduced chivalry to Britain. An example of a poem at this time was ‘L’Morte de Arthur’ by Thomas Malory.

  4. The Renaissance was between the years 1485 to 1660. Throughout this time period love became a more central them within literature as individuals were less concerned with religion. Writers often focused on the ideas of timeless love and constant love. Furthermore during the Renaissance love was beginning to be explored in ways that it hadn’t been in the past. Middle class people often rejected the popular use of metaphysical poetry; however it was embraced by those of the lower classes. This may be because of the introduction of the printing press which allowed individuals to read a variety of literature. An example of literature from this time would be ‘The Flea’ by John Donne.

  5. Medieval time started the generations of poetry from love through the ages, the six stages started from 1066 till present. The Medieval times are from the Middle English Period which lasted from 1066-1485. The poems from this period of time are about religious devotions and behaviour of the soldiers within their humour and romance. Soldier’s behaviour links to the beginning of the medieval time as 1066 was the Battle of Hastings. Poets from this time period are Geoffrey Chaucer ‘Merciless Beauty’ who has a very modern tone to the poem even though he is poet that interacts with upcoming time periods.

  6. The romantic period of english literature - throughout the 18th century - defines its works by the general sense of surpassing the social convention; in this manner, poets and writers alike begin to challenge the boundaries on what content they can discuss. It's possible that aspects of the 'carpe deium' nature,shown in the poem 'To His Coy Mistress', remained in some poetry, this exploration of language evolved moreso from the social opinion of their time. With a lashish monarchy on the English throne, it become somewhat popular to exceed the tradditional 'taboo', within limited restraints.

  7. The Renaissance is duration of time that had two different time periods within the Elizabethan time and the Jacobean Period. Popular themes of poetry during these times were the development of human potential and many different aspects of love were explored during the time of 1485-1660. William Shakespeare, Robert Herrick, John Donne and Christopher Marlowe are main poets from this time, writing about constant love, unrequited love and courtly love. Many of the poems turning out to be 14 lined which is a sonnet.The Renaissance is duration of time that had two different time periods within the Elizabethan time and the Jacobean Period. Popular themes of poetry during these times were the development of human potential and many different aspects of love were explored during the time of 1485-1660. William Shakespeare, Robert Herrick, John Donne and Christopher Marlowe are main poets from this time, writing about constant love, unrequited love and courtly love. Many of the poems turning out to be 14 lined which is a sonnet.

  8. The Romantic Period was between 1798-1832 and at this time, human knowledge consists of impressions and ideas formed in the individual’s mind ad this is reflected within the poetry at this time. Furthermore, the introduction of Gothic elements and horror/terror stories meant that people began to have a very warped vision of love. The style of poems at this time was poetry and lyrical ballads. Furthermore, evil was attributed to society rather than human nature and humans were seen as being basically good. The fact that people had a desire for personal freedom is reflected within poetry at this time. An example of a poem at this time is a ‘Cradle Song’ by William Blake.

  9. The Victorian period was between the years 1832-1900. This era was full of rebellion from the lower classes towards the Bourgeoisie. There was a lot of infidelity throughout this time period and this may have affected the way that writers created literature. Novels stared to become popular and were therefore published on a more regular basis, for example detective novels such as Sherlock Holmes and dramatized novels such as those written by Charles Dickens. Literature began to be spread to the masses throughout this era and so people began to have a better understanding of how different writers experienced and explained love. Authors such as Charlotte Bronte, Charles Dickens, Oscar Wilde and Thomas Hardy were all popular within this era.

  10. Middle Ages - lasted from the 5th to the 15th century. It began with the collapse of the Western Roman Empire and merged into the Renaissance and the Age of Discovery. The Middle Ages is the middle period of the three traditional divisions of Western history: Antiquity, Medieval period, and Modern period. The Medieval period is itself subdivided into the Early, the High, and the Late Middle Ages.

    1. Medieval love and renaissance love were very much similar, both with concepts of courtly love and chivalry, however Renaissance love picked up toward the end of the Middle Ages in the 15th century (1600s). An example of poetry during this time is William Shakespeare's The eighteenth sonnet :

      Shall I compare thee to a summer's day?
      Thou art more lovely and more temperate;
      Rough winds do shake the darling buds of May,
      And summer's lease hath all too short a date:
      Sometime too hot the eye of heaven shines,
      And often is his gold complexion dimm'd
      And every fair from fair sometime declines,
      By chance, or nature's changing course, untrimm'd
      But thy eternal summer shall not fade,
      Nor lose possession of that fair thou owest;
      Nor shall Death brag thou wanderest in his shade
      When in eternal lines to time thou growest
      So long as men can breathe, or eyes can see
      So long lives this, and this gives life to thee.

  11. The Neoclassical Period was a time period from 1660-1798, during this time there was the reign of Charles II, 1630 - 1660 this was after his restoration to the thrown in 1630 following the English Civil War and Cromwell. The poetry from this time was about stresses on harmony, stability and wisdom, the effects of the poetry from this time were the belief that humanity is basically evil. Alexander Pope, Daniel Defoe and Jonathan Swift were poets during this time. Alexander Pope wrote Two or Three: A Recipe to make a Cuckold during the Neoclassical period.

  12. Medieval Love (1066-1435)
    This era of love poetry mainly focused on religion and morals. The genre of medieval love was based on moral tales, mystery and miracle plays as well as oral traditions. The reason for why they wrote about these styles of poem was to allow their population to see and hear of their literature. The historical context of this time period includes when William the Conqueror was crowned King in 1066 introducing The Battle of Hastings, this created a genre to base their poems on, while relating to love and their lost ones. An example of key literature and authors during this era would be L’Morte de Arthur by Thomas Malory.

    The Renaissance (1485-1660)
    This era was the Elizabethan period; the reign of Elizabeth I in 1586 and the Jacobean period, with the reign of James I of England in 1603. The content of these poems changes from religion to the human life on earth. Many aspects of love were explored while another popular theme seemed to be the development of the human potential. The style and genre of the renaissance love period were in poems, sonnets, drama and metaphysical poetry. This had an effect on the people at the time as commoners were welcomed at some play productions like ones at the Globe. The historical content of this time period is that the War of Roses ends in 1485 and the political stability arrives. An example of key literature and authors during this era would be William Shakespeare (Romeo and Juliet and A Midsummers Night’s Dream both written in 1595). The Flea by John Donne written in 1633 and To His Coy Mistress by Andrew Marvell in 1650.

  13. Medieval poetry is poetry that would usually stem from religious beliefs, the exception from this is troubadours and the minnesänger whose work was based on the ideal of courtly love, by courtly love means love based around nobility and chivalry. Poetry from this time is fairly difficult to find because of two things, the first being that since this poetry was created such a long time ago, a lot of it has been lost through the time another reason is that many poems were authored anonymously. One of the most famous poets from this time period was Geoffrey Chaucer who is most known for being the author of the "Canterbury Tales"

  14. The era of Victorian literature took place between the years 1830 and 1900, although it is hard to determine where the Romantic era of literature ended, due to both time periods having many aspects of literature in common. It was during the Victorian era that the novel replaced poetry, in that it became the more dominant source of transmitting literature. During the Victorian era there was a great deal of inequality amongst people, with the poorest people finding their lot in life to be the worst it had ever been. It could be thought that these conditions had an effect on literature, as many authors and poets saw it as their duty to speak out against what was going on. Charles Dickens, Thomas Hardy and Charlotte Bronte are all key authors from this period of time.

  15. Holly Goodfellow:
    Both modern and postmodern literature represent a break from 19th century realism. In character development, both modern and postmodern literature explore subjectivism, turning from external reality to examine inner states of consciousness, in many cases drawing on modernist examples in the "stream of consciousness" styles of Virginia Woolf and James Joyce, or explorative poems like The Waste Land by T. S. Eliot. In addition, both modern and postmodern literature explore fragmentariness in narrative- and character-construction.

  16. The medieval period is an era of 'courtly love', which emphasises nobility and chivalry as a definition of love. For example knights setting out on adventures as performing services for ladies. This lasted throughout the 5th to the 15th century. An example of this type of poetry is portrayed in Arnout, Daniel's poem 'Ans que sim reston de branchas', (translated, 'Before the tops of the branches are left')

    If I crossed bridges and planks
    for her, d'you think I complain?
    Not I, that from joy only, without any food,
    know how to mix a joyous drug,
    kissing and hugging, and my heart, even if it flies,
    does not part from her that keeps and rules it.
    Heart, wherever I go, don't move nor part from her!

    This stanza is a good example of the type of heroic and noble poetry, typical of the time.

  17. Victorian- The victorian era was a long period of peace, prosperity and national self confidence for Britian. It was during this period of Queen Victoria's reign. Poets idealise the portraits of difficult lives in which hard work, perseverance, love and luck win it out in the end.
    Renaissance -
    Renaissance poetry was influenced by the classical style of the Acient Roman Greeks. The poems were generally focused on the topics that were of high interst. It was also a way to reveal their feelings to the ones they loved.

  18. Postmodern literature is often defined as a style/trend which emerged post world war II; It is characterised by heavy reliance on techniques like fragmentation, paradox, and questionable narrators. T.S. Eliot shows post modern elements within his poetry.

  19. The earliest known form of renaissance literature was in the 14th century. In the 15th century the printing press was invented which would have been able to make it that poetry or any form of literature could be mass produced which would also have made it more accessible for people, which in turn would have also created an increase in the popularity. The time frame that the renaissance lies within is the 14th century to the 17th century. Also during the time frame the Renaissance was the English civil war which would have had an effect on the types of poetry that was made available to people, after the civil war had finished England was in a puritan society which would have meant that poetry based around thing deemed sinful by puritan would not have been received

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  21. Victorian Era – This era was a long period of peace, prosperity and national self-esteem for Britain. There were popular forms of entertainment by social classes. Stereotypes of women viewed them as looking after their husbands as women did not have any of their own rights.

    Modernism (late 19th century) – Modernism is characterised by a self-conscious break with traditional styles of poetry and verse. They experimented with literacy form and expression
    Romantic – The romantic era was an artistic, literacy and intellectual filled time period towards the end of the 18th century. Poetry showed to be the “spontaneous overflow with the power of feelings”; in order to truly express these feelings the content of the poem must come from the imagination of the poet.

  22. Modernism in poetry started between late 19th ,early 20th century. Modernism was encourage by war as before and during war people had to live with morals which caused pretences and emotions to build up. In modernism we see experimentation with expression to show individuality. Modernist usually used traditional methods of viewing matters , but also gave their own views to depict individuality, the structure of the poems were established by history not the growth or progress within the poem.

    I strongly recommend you check 'The Love Song of J.Alfred Prufrock' by T.S.Eliot and 'Lullaby' by W.H.Auden.Lullaby represents aspects of sex in love and T.S.Elots piece questions what is love , what is creation. Other modernists are D.H.Lawrence , Wilfred Owen ,Emily Dickson and many ,many more. The most famous modernist is Ezra Pound , who wrote 'The garden' and other pieces.

    Modernism portrayed two individual views brought on by emotions rather than a general or united opinion. Compared to medieval it was not as closed by rules , men felt free to discuss their feeling and not live up to stereotypical marriage and love. The woman felt free in society to convey their feelings than to play happy families and be enslaved by society.

  23. Medieval // From the fall of the Western Roman Empire to the beginning of the Florentine Renaissance in the late 15th Century (1000 years). Mainly religious and secular writings; Latin, Greek, and Old Church Slavonic were dominant languages.

    Renaissance // 1500 – 1660. Cultural and Artistic movement; the use of the printing press became more common in England. Shakespeare was a main playwright.

    Romantic // Toward the end of the 18th Century; partly a reaction to the Industrial Revolution and also a revolt against the Age of Enlightenment and a reaction against the scientific rationalisation of nature. Associated with Liberalism and Radicalism, its long-term effect on nationalism was not significant.

    Victorian // 1837 – 1901 Idealised portraits of difficult lives, including perseverance, hard work, love and luck; improving nature with moral. Included Charles Dickens and the Bronte sisters.

    Modernist // Late 19th Century and early 20th Century. Characterised by a self-conscious break with traditional styles of poetry and verse; experimental with form and expression.

    Post-Modernist // Late 20th Century. Heavy reliance on techniques like fragmentation, paradox and questionable narrators; reaction against enlightenment thinking and modernistic approaches to literature.

  24. Chantelle Malpas:

    Medieval - Anything typical in relation to the middle ages.
    Renaissance - rebirth/ revival.
    Romantic - A love affair/ Relatioship which is idiolised and exciting.
    Victorian - Characteristics of the times in which Queen Victoria was reining.
    Modernist - Those who follow the latest tastes, style, attitudes or practices.

  25. When talking about the Romantic period, people are in fact referring to Romanticism, which is a philosophical, literary, artistic and cultural era. This started in the mid 18th century as a reaction to the prevailing enlightenment ideals of that time. By Enlightenment I am referring to the "Age of Enlightenment" which was a cultural movement by intellectuals emphasizing reason and individualism rather then tradition. Poets such as William Wordsworth were actively engaged in trying to create a new kind of poetry that emphasized intuition over reason, Wordsworth also emphasizes the importance of the use of meter in poetry.

  26. romanticism period, between 1800s and 1850s, where the writers characterized by individualism and subjectivity and emotion. the poets were expressing their inner stuggles, and passions. the romantic movement did not reach france until later on within the time frame. love can be a subject of romantic poetry, whereas romanticism has little in common with what is considered romantic. "the poetry should be the spontaneous overflow of powerful feelings" explained by william wordsworth.

  27. Within modern literature there are many sub-genres: Imagism; Symbolism; Vorticism; Expressionism; Futurism; Surrealism; Acmeist poetry.
    its origins are in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, mainly in Europe and North America.
    Modernism is characterized by a self-conscious break with traditional styles of poetry and verse. Modernists experimented with literary form and expression, adhering to Ezra Pound's maxim to "Make it new". The modernist literary movement was driven by a conscious desire to overturn traditional modes of representation and express the new sensibilities of their time.

  28. the victorian period, 1837- 1901. written within the time of queen victoria, followed the romantic movement. the work was seemed to be harsher and more realistic to the romantic time.
